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Kiplings Ghosts

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Kiplings Ghosts
Leonaur Original
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Author(s): by Rudyard Kipling
Date Published: 06/2006
Page Count: 212
Softcover ISBN-13: 978-1-84677-103-3
Hardcover ISBN-13: 978-1-84677-109-5

Rudyard Kipling was a master of the short story - that most difficult aspect of the writers craft to execute to perfection. The ‘Ghost Story’ is a classic vehicle for shorter fiction and in itself difficult to create with the perfect balance of originality, suspense and unease. Naturally, Kipling revealed himself equal to the challenge. These 12 pieces encompass all of Kipling’s ghost stories, many of which are set in his familiar world of British India. They are complemented by supernatural tales of deadly curses and werewolves.

The rain-swept sky (we were at the end of the wet weather), the sodden, dingy pines, the muddy road, and the black powder-riven cliffs formed a gloomy background against which the black and white liveries of the jhampanies, the yellow-paneled rickshaw and Mrs. Wessingtonís down-bowed golden head stood out clearly. She was holding her handkerchief in her left hand and was leaning hack exhausted against the rickshaw cushions. I turned my horse up a bypath near the Sanjowlie Reservoir and literally ran away. Once I fancied I heard a faint call of ìJack!î This may have been imagination. I never stopped to verify it. Ten minutes later I came across Kitty on horseback; and, in the delight of a long ride with her, forgot all about the interview.
A week later Mrs. Wessington died, and the inexpressible burden of her existence was removed from my life. I went Plainsward perfectly happy. Before three months were over I had forgotten all about her, except that at times the discovery of some of her old letters reminded me unpleasantly of our bygone relationship. By January I had disinterred what was left of our correspondence from among my scattered belongings and had burned it. At the beginning of April of this year, 1885, I was at Simlaósemi-deserted Simlaóonce more, and was deep in loverís talks and walks with Kitty. It was decided that we should be married at the end of June. You will understand, therefore, that, loving Kitty as I did, I am not saying too much when I pronounce myself to have been, at that time, the happiest man in India.
Fourteen delightful days passed almost before I noticed their flight.
Then, aroused to the sense of what was proper among mortals circumstanced as we were, I pointed out to Kitty that an engagement ring was the outward and visible sign of her dignity as an engaged girl; and that she must forthwith come to Hamiltonís to be measured for one. Up to that moment, I give you my word, we had completely forgotten so trivial a matter. To Hamiltonís we accordingly went on the 15th of April, 1885. Remember thatówhatever my doctor may say to the contraryóI was then in perfect health, enjoying a well- balanced mind and an absolute tranquil spirit. Kitty and I entered Hamiltonís shop together, and there, regardless of the order of affairs, I measured Kitty for the ring in the presence of the amused assistant. The ring was a sapphire with two diamonds. We then rode out down the slope that leads to the Combermere Bridge and Pelitiís shop.
While my Waler was cautiously feeling his way over the loose shale, and Kitty was laughing and chattering at my sideówhile all Simla, that is to say as much of it as had then come from the Plains, was grouped round the Reading- room and Pelitiís veranda,óI was aware that some one, apparently at a vast distance, was calling me by my Christian name. It struck me that I had heard the voice before, but when and where I could not at once determine. In the short space it took to cover the road between the path from Hamiltonís shop and the first plank of the Combermere Bridge I had thought over half a dozen people who might have committed such a solecism, and had eventually decided that it must have been singing in my ears. Immediately opposite Pelitiís shop my eye was arrested by the sight of four jharnpanies in ìmagpieî livery, pulling a yellow-paneled, cheap, bazar rickshaw. In a moment my mind flew back to the previous season and Mrs. Wessington with a sense of irritation and disgust. Was it not enough that the woman was dead and done with, without her black and white servitors reappearing to spoil the dayís happiness? Whoever employed them now I thought I would call upon, and ask as a personal favor to change her jhampaniesí livery. I would hire the men myself, and, if necessary, buy their coats from off their backs. It is impossible to say here what a flood of undesirable memories their presence evoked.
ìKitty,î I cried, ìthere are poor Mrs. Wessingtonís jhampanies turned up again! I wonder who has them now?î
Kitty had known Mrs. Wessington slightly last season, and had always been interested in the sickly woman. ìWhat? Where?î she asked. ìI canít see them anywhere.î
Even as she spoke her horse, swerving from a laden mule, threw himself directly in front of the advancing rickshaw. I had scarcely time to utter a word of warning when, to my unutterable horror, horse and rider passed through men and carriage as if they had been thin air.
ìWhatís the matter?î cried Kitty; ìwhat made you call out so foolishly, Jack? If I am engaged I donít want all creation to know about it. There was lots of space between the mule and the veranda; and, if you think I canít rideó
Whereupon wilful Kitty set off, her dainty little head in the air, at a hand- gallop in the direction of the Bandstand; fully expecting, as she herself afterward told me, that I should follow her. What was the matter? Nothing indeed. Either that I was mad or drunk, or that Simla was haunted with devils. I reined in my impatient cob, and turned round. The rickshaw had turned too, and now stood immediately facing me, near the left railing of the Combermere Bridge.
ìJack! Jack, darling!î (There was no mistake about the words this time: they rang through my brain as if they had been shouted in my ear.) ìItís some hideous mistake, Iím sure. Please forgive me, jack, and letís be friends again.î
The rickshaw-hood had fallen back, and inside, as I hope and pray daily for the death I dread by night, sat Mrs. Keith-Wessington, handkerchief in hand, and golden head bowed on her breast.
How long I stared motionless I do not know. Finally, I was aroused by my syce taking the Walerís bridle and asking whether I was ill. From the horrible to the commonplace is but a step. I tumbled off my horse and dashed, half fainting, into Pelitiís for a glass of cherry-brandy. There two or three couples were gathered round the coffee-tables discussing the gossip of the day. Their trivialities were more comforting to me just then than the consolations of religion could have been. I plunged into the midst of the conversation at once; chatted, laughed, and jested with a face (when I caught a glimpse of it in a mirror) as white and drawn as that of a corpse. Three or four mem noticed my condition; and, evidently setting it down to the results of over-many pegs, charitably endeavoured to draw me apart from the rest of the loungers. But I refused to be led away. I wanted the company of my kindó as a child rushes into the midst of the dinner-party after a fright in the dark. I must have talked for about ten minutes or so, though it seemed an eternity to me, when I heard Kittyís clear voice outside inquiring for me. In another minute she had entered the shop, prepared to roundly upbraid me for failing so signally in my duties. Something in my face stopped her.
ìWhy, Jack,î she cried, ìwhat have you been doing? What has happened? Are you ill?î Thus driven into a direct lie, I said that the sun had been a little too much for me. It was close upon five oíclock of a cloudy April afternoon, and the sun had been hidden all day. I saw my mistake as soon as the words were out of my mouth: attempted to recover it; blundered hopelessly and followed Kitty in a regal rage, out of doors, amid the smiles of my acquaintances. I made some excuse (I have forgotten what) on the score of my feeling faint; and cantered away to my hotel, leaving Kitty to finish the ride by herself.
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